Revisiting OS X Public Beta

Wow! What a blast from the past. Check out these screenshots from the first public beta of Mac OS X (full article). I remember using this build (and the previous Developer Previews) and marveling at the stability compared to Mac OS 9 and Windows 3.1. Still, I was convinced in short order despite the dearth of available apps and began using it full-time with the release of Mac OS X 10.0 Cheetah. Good times!

Project Comet

Adobe finally gets serious about UX design in it’s answer to Bohemian Coding’s Sketch app with Project Comet. Set to arrive in early 2016, it allows designers to “Take your UX designs from start to finish with the cross-platform app that lets you do it all — wireframing, visual design, interaction design, prototyping, previewing and sharing. And because it’s built from the ground up, Comet delivers innovative tools and breakthrough performance to help you design in record time.”

I’m hoping it has the best of Sketch combined with the prototyping and sharing capabilities of InVision. I guess we’ll see pretty soon.


WiFi That Just Works?

I ran across eero the other day. It bills itself as a “the world’s first WiFi system. A set of three eeros covers the typical home. They work in unison to deliver hyper-fast, super-stable WiFi to every nook of every room.”


Very stylish, Apple-like hardware. I’ll be interested to see if the software and app deliver everything promised on their website – 60-second setup, mesh networking, one-tap guest access, high performance, automatic updates, advanced security and simplicity. If so, this could be a very welcome addition to many homes.

Pre-order pricing for a single device is $125, while a set of three will cost you $299. But those prices won’t be the same forever — the final retail pricing will be $199 for one and $499 for a three-pack.  Pre-orders are now closed and their website says they will be available to order in early 2016 – presumably at the higher prices.