Scientists Reveal World’s First 3D-Printed, Marbled Wagyu Beef

3D-Printed Wagyu Beef

Scientists from Osaka University have manufactured the world’s first 3D-printed Wagyu beef by using stem cells isolated from Japanese cattle, according to a press release. The product looks like a realistic steak piece containing muscle, fat, and blood vessels.

The cell-based meat industry could be worth $20 million by 2027, according to Markets and Markets. If such projects can disrupt the food supply chain, the 3D printing revolution may one day eliminate the need to source meat from the cattle, paving the way for a new, more sustainable way to enjoy meat in the future.

RIP Charlie Watts

I was deeply saddened today to hear of the passing of Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watts. I have been a life long Stones fan and was planning to see them play this Fall on their No Filter Tour. Won’t be the same.